Fire Protection Seismic Design & Consultation Solutions

ASC is ready to meet your fire protection seismic design needs. We provide digital tools and technical support that help ensure your projects meet the required regulations and are designed as seamlessly as possible.

Hardhat icon Technical Support and Consultation

Our new Seismic Hanger Sales Engineer specializing in Fire Protection applications, John Deutsch, is here to support your technical consultation needs.

John is based in Fullerton, California and supports our West Coast customers. He has over 30 years of experience in the Fire Protection Industry and comes to ASC highly accredited.

  • Worked for several large Fire Sprinkler contractors designing systems and managing design departments
  • An active NFPA 13 member of the Hanging and Bracing Committee for the past 13 years
  • Actively involved in recent changes to the standard and is a contributing author to the 2016 version of the NFPA 13 Handbook
John Deutsch

John is available to:

  • Help you with design questions related to hanging and bracing of fire sprinkler systems.
  • Help you with AHJs and plan reviewer questions and requests for information
  • Train your team on seismic bracing per NFPA 13 and our Seis Brace software
  • Help with miscellaneous fire sprinkler related questions
Contact John

Gears icon Seis Brace® Fire Protection Seismic Design Tool

Seis Brace 2.0 is the most comprehensive seismic bracing calculation software available for the fire protection industry today. We provide Seis Brace to our customers free of charge.

This seismic calculator tool for fire protection allows you to:

  • Specify FM Approved or UL Listed components
  • Perform zone of influence calculations in compliance with NFPA 13 (2016/ASCE7-10) NFPA 13 (2019/ASCE7-16)
  • Select product for bracing of either steel or CPVC pipe
  • Generate a submittal with Afcon® seismic bracing products, including detail and individual product submittal sheets

Recent enhancements to Seis Brace 2.0 include the below user-focused functionalities:

  • Sharing options – share your current and past seismic designs with invited collaborators when logged into our website
  • Streamlined brace selection – new filtering allows you to select desired swivel type and then only provides anchor attachment options that comply with your selection, reducing errors and saving time
  • Improved report formatting – report downloads are more streamlined and optimized than ever before
Access Seis Brace

Complete the form below and a member of our team will contact you regarding your seismic design needs soon.